What are the reasons for fireproof cables to get damp?

The goal of fireproof cables is to keep the cables open in the fire scene, so that power and information can still be transmitted normally.


As the main carrier of power transmission, wires and cables are widely used in electrical equipment, lighting lines, household appliances, etc., and their quality directly affects the quality of the project and the safety of life and property of consumers. There are many types of wires on the market, and you should choose the right wires according to your own electricity consumption.

rubber cable

Among them, fireproof cables may get damp during the production, installation, and transportation process. Once the fireproof cables get damp, the performance and service life of the fireproof cables will be greatly affected. So what are the reasons for fireproof cables to get damp?

1. The outer insulation layer of the fireproof cable is intentionally or unintentionally damaged, which may cause dampness.

2. The end cap of the fireproof cable is not sealed tightly, or it is damaged during the transportation and laying of the cable, which will cause water vapor to enter it.

3. When using fireproof cables, due to improper operation, the cable is punctured and the protective layer is damaged.

4. If some parts of the fireproof cable are not tightly sealed, moisture or water will enter the cable insulation layer from the cable end or cable protective layer, and then penetrate into the various cable accessories, thereby destroying the entire power system.


Domestic fireproof cable standards:


At 750, it can still continue to work for 90 minutes (E90).

Post time: Jun-25-2024