What is the difference between carbon fiber heating cables and silicone alloy heating cables?

As a manufacturer of carbon fiber heating cables and alloy silicone heating wire, we have more than 20 years of industry experience and often encounter similar questions from customers.


1. The bending performance of carbon fiber heating wire is better than that of more than 95% of alloy heating wire products.
2. The service life of carbon fiber heating wire is longer than that of alloy electric heating wire.
3. The joint processing technology of carbon fiber heating wire is more difficult on average than that of alloy heating wire. If it is not handled properly, the failure rate will be higher!
4. When carbon fiber is heated, it will emit an infrared band of 8uM-15uM, and alloy products only have heating function.
5. Carbon fiber heating wire is more flexible, has a good selling point, and is easier to accept, but the price is higher than that of alloy heating wire.
6. The resistance of carbon fiber is a fixed type. The resistance of each specification is fixed and cannot be changed. There is a certain regularity. If the voltage selected by the design is not appropriate, it will not be used. On the contrary, the alloy heating wire can change its own resistance at will.


Whether it is a carbon fiber heating wire or an alloy type silicone heating wire, it has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is impossible to achieve perfection and compatibility. It depends on people. If you handle it carefully and set the product use standard higher, you can effectively reduce your own failure rate.

Please feel free to contact us for further information on heating cable wire.


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Post time: Jul-04-2024