Why does the silicone heating cable wire change color at high temperature?

 We all encounter some product discoloration in our daily work, such as latex products will turn white when stored at room temperature, and silicone heating cable wire will turn yellow at high temperature.

Just like the silicone heating cable wire that we often use in our lives, it turned yellow after being placed at a high temperature of 200℃ for 4 hours. What’s going on?


This problem may be solved by using silicone high anti-yellowing vulcanizer C-15. Generally, food-grade products have this requirement.

In order to avoid yellowing due to secondary sulfur addition, anti-yellowing catalyst + anti-yellowing agent should be used. Both are very important.

However, these two substances will make it a little sticky during oil pressure production, which is something to pay attention to.

Add 2-3 thousandths of hydrogen-containing silicone oil according to the amount of silicone. High hydrogen-containing silicone oil can solve the yellowing problem, but the product may be a little brittle and sticky.

You can spray a layer of silicone oil on the mold to solve the demolding problem. In addition, only platinum bridge can be used.


Manufacturers analyze that using anti-yellowing agents and anti-yellowing vulcanizers is certainly a good idea, but you also need to pay attention to whether the silicone heating wire you are using is ideal.

You cannot add too much mold release agent, zinc stearate, so you need to communicate with the supplier to find out whether there is already hydrogen silicone oil in it to provide anti-yellowing effect.

Powder is very important. If the iron content is too high, it will turn yellow. If you don’t know how much to add, you can first compare the ordinary vulcanizer (without anti-yellowing agent) with the vulcanizer with anti-yellowing agent.

Be careful not to add zinc stearate mold release agent. If it still doesn’t work, it is recommended that you use another rubber compound or use platinum vulcanizer.

If there is sulfur or sulfur carrier in the environment (such as sulfur-vulcanized products that have just been baked in the oven for the second time), it will also cause the silicone heating wire product to turn yellow.


Please feel free to contact us for further information on silicone heating cable wire.


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Post time: Jul-03-2024